Nevada Women In Trades (NVWIT) is a non-profit corporation registered in the state of Nevada with a mission: To prepare Women in Nevada for successful careers in high skilled blue-collar (trade) occupations. A first step in the process of preparation for jobs in the “trades” is often the skills and aptitude test required for apprenticeship programs.
Recently, much has been written about efforts to increase apprenticeships in the United States with the goal of decreasing the skills gap in middle-skill occupations—jobs that require education, training and/or apprenticeship beyond high school but do not necessarily require a four-year college degree.
Creating a pathway for women in Nevada to gain on-the-job training through apprenticeships is critical to closing the middle-skills gap, creating a gender diverse workforce in the trade industry and increasing a highly qualified workforce. Providing classes to enhance skills and ability to perform on apprenticeship exams is one way of assuring Women an equal opportunity to perform well on exams and interviews that have historically been male dominated.
Currently, NVWIT is the only preparatory program for Women who have the desire to enter into a trade apprenticeship and need additional training and preparation opportunities prior to completing a trade apprenticeship application. The NVWIT team prepare women to complete its 190-hour Pipeline Comprehensive Course (PCC) with the math, science, safety readiness, sexual harassment class, and test taking skills required to pass trade apprenticeship exams and give them a competitive edge when securing a seat in a coveted trade apprenticeship of their choice.
Our Mission is to Prepare women in Nevada for successful careers in high skilled blue collar (trade) occupations.
Nevada Women In Trades
Mailing Address: 3540 W. Sahara Ave.
Suite 417, Las Vegas, NV 89102, USA
Phone : (702) 801-6591
Email : Info@NevadaWIT.org
Website URL : https://www.NevadaWIT.org
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 1:00pm
3 Saturdays 10:00am-2:00pm - Sunday: Closed